My guest this week is Ralph Grundler from Aitech and we are chatting all about OpenVPX in space! Ralph and I discuss the increasing role that open standards are playing in space applications, how OpenVPX supports a systems-based approach for these types of designs, and how OpenVPX can also be used to support a variety of AI applications in space.
… Read More → "OpenVPX and the Next Generation of Space Applications"
On the one hand, the overly enthusiastic predictions for fully autonomous automobiles have, thus far, fallen somewhat behind schedule (sad face). On the other hand, it now looks like we will see fully autonomous trucks barreling down our interstate highways circa 2027 (happy face).
The idea of autonomous automobiles has been around for longer than most people might think. For example, the concept of … Read More → "Autonomous Trucks are Trucking Our Way!"
Until relatively recently, robots have been kept in cages. This isn’t to stop them from getting out (although I have a niggling notion that day may come)—rather, to prevent humans from getting in. I’m thinking of honking big industrial robots in facilities like automobile factories.
While members of this class of robots are awesomely good at what they do (picking … Read More → "The Rise of the Robots (Cobots)"
I’m ashamed to admit that I don’t know as much about the topic of test and measurement (T&M) as perhaps I should. My only excuse is that there’s so much to learn and I am a bear of little brain (and my little bear brain is pretty much full).
There are lots of things I’ve not done … Read More → "Measuring Picovolts and Femtoamps"